Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Texting while driving

One thing that I don't understand is why people think it is okay to text while driving. Do they think that they aren't going to have an accident? Do they think they have the skills to do both? I can tell you that they don't. In the late 90's if there was someone driving slowly on the freeway it was normally an older person driving the car. In today's world it is the teenager, the business manager, or mom texting while driving. I want to honk at them to let them know that I'm not please, but I'm afraid that they will over correct and cause an accident.

I think there should be a federal law put in place stating what a driver can do while driving. Texting shouldn't be one of them. Here are a few other ones that I would include: hands free required, no doing their make up, and no reading. Please drive while you drive. Remember driving is a privilege, it isn't a right.

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